Our Rules are here: Westgate Biodiversity RULES 2018-06.
And this is our Statement of Purposes:
(1) The Association is established for the principal purpose of —
(a) enhancing and protecting the natural environment and its biodiversity
(b) educating our members and the wider community on the importance of protecting and enhancing the natural environment, urban biodiversity, and healthy environments by growing and planting locally indigenous plant species and encouraging volunteering and community engagement with the natural environment.
(2) To achieve this purpose, the Association may
(a) develop and maintain the naturalistic, bushland landscape of Westgate Park using locally indigenous plant species
(b) engage with the traditional owners in our endeavours
(c) operate a sustainable nursery and supply high quality indigenous plants of appropriate provenance for revegetation projects throughout Melbourne
(d) promote the use and conservation of the natural heritage of locally indigenous vegetation of the sandbelt and the western plains regions
(e) promote supportive, diverse and evidence-based habitats and biolinks for native fauna
(f) promote Westgate Park as an attractive destination for visitors and recreation that is consistent with natural environmental conservation.
(g) work with all stakeholders to further the interests of Westgate Park and the nursery
(h) measure the effectiveness of our work, to foster research that informs best practice and to engage citizen scientists in this work
(i) be an organisation that is sustainable, ethical, safe and accountable and facilitates meaningful member, staff and volunteer engagement in decision-making and rewards
(j) provide a workplace where employee/volunteer driven innovation can result in further employment and business opportunities
(k) share our knowledge and experience, to strengthen networks and collaborate with like-minded groups
(l) sell nursery products, provide landscaping consulting services, conduct fund-raising events and seek funding and donations from a variety of sources including Member subscriptions, members of the general public, philanthropic bodies, non-government organisations, State, Commonwealth and local governments, government authorities and other bodies, which are to be applied solely in pursuit of its purposes.