13 Jan bird survey

Evaporation accompanying recent hot weather lowered the levels of both lakes, especially the saline one. Indeed, before the rain on Sunday 12 January, this water body, viewed from the bridge, appeared to be starting to turn pink.

We are very concerned that, during late November and throughout December, vandals lit several fires in the park. Although quickly controlled by Fire Rescue Victoria, these fires caused considerable local damage to habitat and understory vegetation nurtured over the years by our volunteers.

A high number of species were recorded today, but almost all typically occur in the park at this time of the year. The only unusual sighting ‘bird of the day’ was a single Great Crested Grebe on the Yarra River.

Over the past few weeks, the most notable observation was a pair of Buff-banded Rails with one chick. A high number of other species have been breeding and have young at various stages of growth including Dusky Moorhens, Pied Stilts (two breeding pairs), Chestnut Teal, Pied Currawongs, Grey Butcherbirds and Black-faced Cuckoo-shrikes. Two pairs of Hoary-headed Grebes are attempting to construct nests in the large freshwater lake, but so far with little apparent success.

No raptors were recorded today, nor during the six weeks following the December survey.