Westgate Biodiversity: Bili Nursery & Landcare is presently in two locations:
Bill Landcare – Westgate Park Todd Road, Port Melbourne, just north of Westgate Bridge. Other entries are at end Lorimer Street alongside the Yarra River and at the end of Wharf Road.
→ getting there by public transport:
Bus 235 from Queen Victoria Market/Franklin Street or Southern Cross station to end of Wharf Road, or
Bus 237 from Queen Victoria Market/Franklin Street or Southern Cross station to end of Lorimer Street, week days only).
Tram 109 in Collins St to Station Pier and a longish walk along the foreshore towards the River and up Todd Road just past the Westgate bridge.
Punt from Spotswood (on the river bank opposite Scienceworks) across the Yarra to Lorimer Street entry, for cyclists & pedestrians
It’s a great bike ride either from the City along South Wharf and Lorimer Street or from around the Bay through Port Melbourne and up Todd Road to the main entry.
Bili Nursery – at 525 Williamstown Road, Port Melbourne Vic 3207
→ getting there by public transport:
Tram 109 to Port Melbourne, North Port station and walk north-west for two minutes to Williamstown Road
Bus 235 from Queen Victoria Market/Franklin Street or Southern Cross station to cnr Williamstown Road & Raglan Street, Port Melbourne. The nursery is between the Port Melbourne Football oval and Australia Post Business Hub.
Bili Nursery is open Monday to Friday 9-4, Saturday 10-3 (closed for retail over summer)