1-3M. Tufted semi-aquatic wildflower. Shiny round or kidney-shaped leaves, paler or purplish below, floating, erect in mud or water. Bright yellow flowers, usually 5-petalled, near the top of erect stems up to 1.3m high Oct to Mar.
Author: Lyn
Aceana echinata – Sheep’s Burr
To 40CM. Erect perennial herb. Narrow pinnate leaves. Tiny whitish flowers, with dark purple stamens Aug to Apr.
Xerochrysum viscosum – Sticky Everlasting
To 90CM. Much branched, erect, sticky, annual or biennial wildflower. Linear dark green leaves. Showy bright yellow flower heads Sept to Mar.
Xanthorrhoea minor ssp. lutea – Small Grass Tree
To 60CM. Slow-growing, stout perennial plant with thick woody stem. Arching green triangular leaves, crowded at top of stem. Dense clusters of yellowish, strongly scented flowers in a long terminal flowering spike Oct to Apr.
Wahlenbergia gracilis – Australian or Sprawling Bluebell
To 60CM. Tufted perennial wildflower. Alternate or opposite near base, upper leaves narrow. Soft blue bell-shaped flowers on long slender stalks.
Villarsia exaltata syn Liparophyllum exaltatum – Erect Marsh-flower
To 1.2M. Tufted erect emergent perennial herb. Erect, thick dark green ovate to lanceolate leaves. Yellow 5-petalled flowers Sept to Mar.
Veronica gracilis – Slender Speedwell
To 25CM. Slender erect or trailing perennial wildflower. Blue-green to mid-green lanceolate leaves in pairs along the stem. Erect axillary clusters of 1-6 mauve to pale blue cup flowers with darker veins Sept to Feb.
Triglochin striata – Streaked Arrowgrass
To 35CM. Slender semi-aquatic perennial herb. Narrow green strap-like leaves. Slender, erect, loose 20-200 flowered spikes with tiny greenish-yellow flowers on erect stalks above the foliage Sept to May.
Triglochin procera syn. Cycnogeton procerum – Water Ribbons, Nareli
To 50CM. Variable robust aquatic perennial with thick, woody rhizomes, cylindrical tubers. Dense 52-320 flowered spike with small greenish flowers, fruit strongly twisted. In freshwater to 2M deep.
Trachymene composita var. composita – Wild Parsnip
To 2.5M. Stoutly erect, leafy annual or biennial herb. Hairy leaves, most in a basal rosette, deeply divided into 3 wedge shaped, lobed segments. Numerous umbels of 40-100 stalked lacy white composite flowers in each flower head Oct to Apr.