To 20CM. Prostrate, suckering perennial herb. Stems erect when plant submerged. Useful for planting near water. Flowers Sept to Apr.
Author: Lyn
Microlaena stipoides – Weeping Grass
To 60CM. Tufted perennial grass with gracefully arching stems. Spreading to semi-erect, smooth to rough flat leaves. Narrow weeping racemes on slender stems.
Mentha australis – River Mint
To 80CM. Soft sprawling or erect herb, stems often tinged with purple. Narrow lanceolate aromatic fresh green leaves. Dense clusters of small tubular white to pale mauve flowers. Flowers Feb to Oct.
Melicytus dentatus – Tree Violet
To 5M. Erect to spreading shrub. Green, narrow oblong leaves, paler green below. Masses of tiny single or paired fragrant cream bell flowers hanging along branches. Flowers Aug-Oct.
Melaleuca squarrosa – Scented Paperbark
To 10M. Erect open shrub or small tree, bark papery, becoming rough on old branches. Stiff, dark green ovate to triangular leaves in pairs along stem. Profuse spikes of scented cream to yellow flowers in brushes. Nectar source for butterflies and other insects...
Melaleuca lanceolata – Moonah
To 10M. Dense large shrub or small tree, bark hard and fissured. Alternate small, thick, dull green narrow leaves along the branchlets. Small cream to white brushes, usually in 3s. Nectar source for butterflies and other insects.
Juncus flavidus
60CM to 1M high. Upright tufting perennial rush. Grey-green foliage with yellow tassel flowerheads Spring and Summer. Prefers marshlands and waterways and dry creek beds.
Melaleuca ericifolia – Swamp Paperbark
To 7M. Erect, bushy shrub to small tree, bark papery, suckering to form a dense copse. Short, narrow dark green leaves scattered or in whorls of 3. Masses of small cream brushes. Nectar source for butterflies and other insects.
Mazus pumillio
To 3CM. Low suckering perennial herb in rosettes forming a carpet. Glossy bright green leaves, paler below with toothed or wavy edges. Solitary white or mauve flowers, yellow in centre.
Marsillea drummondii – Nardoo
To 30CM. Aquatic or semi-aquatic fern with floating fronds. Silky, grey-green wedge-shaped “4 leaf clover” fronds, held above or on the water. No flowers. Single or clustered woody bean shaped sporocarps, generally appearing as water recedes after ...