You are invited to the Annual General Meeting of the Westgate Biodiversity: Bili Nursery & Landcare Inc., held on Wednesday November 27th, 2019 at Port Ed, 343-383 Lorimer Street, Port Melbourne (under the Port Control Tower) beginning at 6.30 pm. A light meal and drinks will be available from 6.00 pm.
A member may appoint another member as a proxy for the meeting by using the form in the button below.
The agenda is:
1. to receive and consider—
(i) the annual report of the Committee of Management on the activities of the Association during the preceding financial year; and
(ii) the financial statements of the Association for the preceding financial year
2. to elect the members of the Committee;
3. to confirm that the annual subscription remains at $10 per person, nil for concession holders and that there be no joining fee.
Also below is a nomination form should you wish to stand for the Committee of Management.
Tony Flude
After the AGM Dr Mata will present the findings of the 2-year Pollinator Project at Westgate Park.
Monthly surveys by RMIT researchers, 7 workshops and the observations by citizen scientists have yielded rich data about insects at Westgate Park.
Dr Mata works as part of the National Environmental Science Programme – Clean Air and Urban Landscapes Hub, where he is contributing to The Shared Urban Habitat, a research project looking at addressing the broad question of how humans can effectively share the urban habitat with other species.
He is particularly interested in developing protocols for bringing nature back into cities, including methods to understand how insects and birds disperse through fragmented urban landscape.
It’s not to be missed!