Microbat in box!

Microbat in box!

On our walk last Sunday, we were delighted to discover, we think, a Gould’s Wattled Bat (male) in one of our nest boxes. This microbat is larger and more common than most. We witnessed microbats in flight across the night sky and our echo meters were fla...

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Interested in volunteering at Bili Nursery or Bili Landcare (Westgate Park)

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Sponsoring Westgate Biodiversity: Bili Nursery & Landcare

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Thanks to Rotary Albert Park

Thanks to Rotary Albert Park

We are very grateful for a new cabinet to house our spraying equipment, generously funded by Rotary Albert Park. These chemicals need to be properly stored but the cabinet comes at some cost so thanks again!

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Thanks for our new trailer!

Thanks for our new trailer!

Our trailer is now in operation, here on the Wharf Road Triangle – a long strip of land recently added to the Park. It’s a sturdy trailer now protected by wheel clamps and a new security system so we are confident it won’t be stolen again. We...

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Flowering now

Flowering now

Allocasuarina verticillata – Drooping Sheoak is a rather dull grey-green tree but take a close look at the highly ornamental patterns on the branchlets of the male plant, right. The female plant produces red flowers along the trunks and branches. These f...

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Nest box monitoring

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Summer time changes at Bili Nursery

Summer time changes at Bili Nursery

Bili Nursery will be open Tuesday to Friday, 9 am to 4 pm over summer, ie. no Saturday or Monday trade until March. For home gardeners, we have a great selection of indigenous plants for sale so do pop in!

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Container deposit scheme

Container deposit scheme

Victoria’s CDS has arrived! This means you can now exchange some aluminium, glass, and plastic containers – just check for the 10c refund logo on the container. See here for what can and cannot be exchanged. To find your nearest collection point, s...

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Progress on the Triangle

Progress on the Triangle

We were successful some years ago in having this long strip of land incorporated into the Park. It’s on our boundary with Boeing. The first stage in revegetation was to plant along the fence line. The weedy grass was sprayed out and in October last year ...

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