Mimulus repens – Creeping Monkey-flower

20CM. Spreading suckering perennial herb, stems erect when submerged. Pairs of succulent sessile ovate leaves. Flowers blue to mauve Sept to Apr.

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Acacia provincialis – Wirildra – Swamp Wattle

To 8M. Bushy open shrub or tree. Long, narrow, tapering bluish-green phyllodes.Lemon-yellow, perfumed, dense ball-shaped flower heads arranged in long racemes, intermittent flowering all year peak Sept to Jan. Pods linear, dark brown to black

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Ricinocarpus pinifolius – Wedding Bush

To 3M. Dense erect shrub. Long, narrow dull green leaves.Masses of fragrant, open, white flowers in terminal clusters Aug to Nov.

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Lepidosperma laterale – Variable Sword-sedge

Tp0 1.5M. Tufted clumping plant. Stems and leaves flat to slightly curved, leaves shorter, sometimes twisted.Narrow, loose to erect spreading panicle with few brown spikelets Oct to Mar.

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Lepidosperma gladiatum – Coast Sword-sedge

To 1.5M. Clump-forming perennial. Leaf blades and stems wide, flat and curved.Large, dense panicle with many clustered pale brown spikelets Oct to Mar.

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Lepidosperma concavum – Sand-hill or Hill Sword-sedge

To 60CM. Tufted with long vertical rhizomes. Leaf blades wide, flat and curved, dark yellow to grey-brown at base.Erect, ovate panicle with spreading branches with dense clusters of brown spikelets Sept to Feb.

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Hibbertia acicularis – Prickly Guinea-flower

To 60CM. Sprawling small shrub. Small narrow leaves, yellow below, tapering to a bristle at the tip.Masses of stalked bright yellow flowers at the ends of shoots Oct to Dec.

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Dillwynia juniperina – Prickly Parrot Pea

To 2M. Spreading shrub. Small, prickly linear leaves, triangular in cross section.Yellow pea flowers with red centres, in racemes at the end of branches Aug to Nov.

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Dillwynia glaberrima – Heath or Smooth Parrot Pea

To 2M. Wiry Open shrub. Small curved green leaves along stems.Long stalked terminal clusters of bright yellow flowers with red markings Aug to Jan.

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Eryngium vesiculosum – Prickfoot

To 30CM. Prostrate perennial. Rigid bright green leaves with sharply toothed edges.Small, globular, spiky pale blue flower heads Dec to Feb.

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