The surveys, held on Monday mornings, follow the same route around Westgate Park and the reports provide extraordinary insights into the movements of these birds. Typically ~60 bird species are seen or heard each month. Sightings between surveys are added to the data. Weather, lake water levels and notable or unusual sightings are recorded.
On these routes we often come across non-bird species like the Long Necked Turtle digging a hole in which to lay her eggs. The very cute families of Superb Fairy Wrens – now the biggest population of these birds in Melbourne.
Our brilliant photographers – Ursula, Andrew, Elke, Peter and others – capture moments in time like the Powerful Owl with a small possum in its claws, the mating rituals of the Hoary-headed Grebes, the Yellow-Tail Black Cockatoos ripping bark to get to the grubs, the Pied Cormorant with a yabby, the Willy Wagtail about to fledge, the shy Buff-banded Rail. So many stories!
If you would like to join the group to look and learn, call Rob on 0407 362 840.