Lasiopetalum baueri – Slender Velvet Bush

To 1M. Open shrub. Narrow grey-green leaves pointing downwards, especially in dry conditions, hoary or rust-coloured below. Small loose groups of cream to pale pink flowers, greenish towards the base. Flowers Sept to Nov.

Juncus pallidus – Pale Rush

To 2M. Robust perennial tuft. Long dull green to blueish-green stems with similar narrow leaves. Erect panicle with many straw-coloured flowers scattered or clustered. Flowers Dec-Apr.

Juncus krausii ssp. australiensis – Sea Rush

To 1.2M. Stout perennial rush. 1-3 dark green sharp-pointed leaves per stem, similar to stems.Panicles with several radiating branches, small reddish-brown flowers towards the ends of smaller branches. Flowers Dec-Mar.

Juncus amabilis – Hollow Rush

Densely tufted perennial. Greyish-green or dull green stems. Clusters of reddish-brown flowers and seeds near top of stem. Flowers Nov-Dec.

Hakea ulicina – Furze Hakea

To 5M. Rigid upright shrub. Twisted, spreading, narrow pointed leaves. Clusters of small white to cream flowers along branchlets. Nectar source for butterflies and other insects.

Gonocarpus tetragynus – Creeping raspwort

To 30CM. Erect bushy herb covered in flattened, short, white bristly hairs. Loose spikes of tiny pinkish-red flowers Sept – Jan. Small fruit, silvery grey. Full sun, semi-shade.

Eleocharis acuta – Common Spike-sedge

to 90cm. Semi-aquatic herb with erect stems. Slender grass-like leaves. Narrow cylindric spikelet straw-coloured tinged with dark brown Sept-Mar.

Eucalyptus viminalis ssp. pryoriana – Coast Manna Gum

To 15M. Spreading tree with dense crown, rough bark, shedding from upper trunk and branches. Narrow blue green leaves with weeping habit. Egg to spindle-shaped buds in axillary clusters of 3 creamy flowers Jan-Mar. Nectar source for butterflies and other insects. Round fruit with…

Eucalyptus radiata s.l. – Narrow-leaf Peppermint

To 40M. Low branching tree with dense canopy, bark rough and fibrous to the small branches. Aromatic, thin-textured narrow leaves. Numerous small club-shaped buds in axillary clusters followed by profuse creamy to pale yellow flowers Oct-Jan. Nectar source for butterflies and other insects. Small…

Eucalyptus polyanthemos – Red Box

To 15M. Slow-growing, small to medium tree sometimes with crooked trunk, compact to spreading blue green crown, rough bark. Terminal panicles of 7 bluish club-shaped buds, scar present, Sept-Jan. Requires good drainage tolerating poor stony soils, full sun, semi-shade. Profuse flowering produces copious, excellent…