Tp0 1.5M. Tufted clumping plant. Stems and leaves flat to slightly curved, leaves shorter, sometimes twisted.Narrow, loose to erect spreading panicle with few brown spikelets Oct to Mar.
To 1.5M. Clump-forming perennial. Leaf blades and stems wide, flat and curved.Large, dense panicle with many clustered pale brown spikelets Oct to Mar.
To 60CM. Tufted with long vertical rhizomes. Leaf blades wide, flat and curved, dark yellow to grey-brown at base.Erect, ovate panicle with spreading branches with dense clusters of brown spikelets Sept to Feb.
To 60CM. Sprawling small shrub. Small narrow leaves, yellow below, tapering to a bristle at the tip.Masses of stalked bright yellow flowers at the ends of shoots Oct to Dec.
To 2M. Spreading shrub. Small, prickly linear leaves, triangular in cross section.Yellow pea flowers with red centres, in racemes at the end of branches Aug to Nov.
To 2M. Wiry Open shrub. Small curved green leaves along stems.Long stalked terminal clusters of bright yellow flowers with red markings Aug to Jan.
To 30CM. Prostrate perennial. Rigid bright green leaves with sharply toothed edges.Small, globular, spiky pale blue flower heads Dec to Feb.
To 1M. Small erect to spreading shrub. Narrow hairy leaves singly along the stem.Dense leafy spikes of yellow, red, apricot or orange pea flowers in leaf axils Sept to Dec.
To 1M. Erect perennial wildflower. Long lanceolate leaves with pointed tips, decreasing in size. Rarely branched, short cobweb like hairs on upper stems and leaf edges.Single shiny golden-yellow flower heads Nov to Mar.
To 60M. Erect branching perennial wildflower. Pairs of thin linear leaves along stems.Branched flowering stalk, narrow bell-shaped blue flowers, yellowish brown on the outside Oct to Mar.