To 1.5M. Low spreading or upright shrub. Small bluish-green to dark green succulent leaves with red, pink or yellow berries. Single insignificant greenish flowers Sept to Apr. Responds well to pruning. Full sun – part shade.
To 4M. Erect to spreading shrub. Sticky slender green darkish leaves. Tiny greenish petalless flowers Aug to Dec. Hardy, attractive. Prefers well-drained soils in full sun to partial shade. Drought tolerant once established. Responds well to pruning.
To 10CM 1-2m wide, succulent, spreading perennial mat. Pairs of shiny, succulent, fresh green cylindrical leaves, sometimes tinged yellow or red. Daisy-like bold pink or magenta flowers with white centre Oct to Feb. Tolerates salty soils, drought, frost and high winds. Excellent for stabilising…
To 1.5M Loosely tufted plant. Soft, spreading linear light green (to blue-green) leaves.Loose open panicles of fragrant pale blue flowers with prominent pale yellow anthers on robust stems above the foliage followed by purple berries. Full sun to part shade positions.
To 50CM. Closely tufted plant. Long dark green linear leaves. Dense panicles of dark blue flowers, generally shorter than the foliage, followed by purple berries. Full sun to part shade.
To 50CM. Erect wildflower. Basal rosette of narrow blue- to olive-green leaves. Single bright yellow globular flower heads held erect on long straw-coloured to reddish stalks Sept to Feb.Nectar source for butterflies and other insects. Tolerates waterlogging and dryness. Grows in full sun to…
To 2M. Variable dense upright to spreading shrub. Dull green, rough ovate leaves.1-2 large, pendant light green bells at the end of side branchlets, sometimes red with green tips Mar to Sept. Excellent for dry, shady areas. Requires average to well-drained soils. Good screen and…
To 2.7M Dense, erect shrub. Thin dark green oblong leaves held horizontally. Solitary pale yellow-green bells hanging from ends of short branchlets Mar to Nov. Adaptable to heavy or light soils and will grow in dappled shade, partial or full sun.
0.3m H x 0.5m W. Blushing pink flowers in spring. Tolerates moderately salty winds, full sun and heavier soils. Likes well-drained soil, hot, dry areas.
To 60M. Spreading to erect perennial herb with cottony or cobwebbed stems, Bright yellow flowers year-round, peaking Sept to Feb. Well-drained soils in full to filtered sun. Prune hard to rejuvenate.