Perennial herb with slender tufted branches and white flowers 60cm X 60 Cm. Full sun, moist soils, flowers Sept – Jan, suitable for container growing.
Medium size shrub 1.-2.5mt X 1-1.5mt. Fast-growing, fine soft foliage with reddish tinge to new growth, showy flowers attracting nectar-feeding birds. Flowers Nov – March, moist soils, full sun to part shade, tolerates salt, great informal hedging plant.
Prostrate succulent, spreading up to 2m in well-drained soil, sunny position. Pink/purple daisy flowers in spring-summer. Edible fruit. Withstands coastal exposure and frost-hardy.
2m H x 1m W. Fast-growing small to medium shrub, lilac flowers in early spring. Fragrant foliage can be used fresh or dry in cooking. Likes well-drained soil, full sun to part shade, and well suited to pots.
0.5 – 2mH x 1m W. Requires well-drained soils, tolerates moderately salty winds. Full sun or partial shade. Prune after flowering. Suitable for understorey planting.
Small shrub 1-2mH x 1-3mW. Fast-growing and adaptable, in full-sun to complete shade. Prefers damp soils but tolerates dryness and waterlogging. Withstands moderately salty winds. Benefits from pruning of old growth.
Open, erect shrub 1-3m X 1-2m, yellow flowers between the spike like leaflets, flowers April to August followed by decorative nuts. Bird attractant, suits most well-drained soils, suitable for container growing and screening.
Erect shrub 1-3mt X 1-2mt, creamy white flowers Aug- Sept, bird attractant, dry to moist well-drained soils, full sun to part shade, frost tolerant, suits large pots or informal hedging.
Rounded shrub to 1m high and 1m wide with striking silvery foliage. Excellent coastal plant. Hardy in well drained soils & full sun. Tolerates & even thrives in strong winds. Very drought tolerant.
H 2-5 X W 1-3m masses of fragrant white flowers. Bird habitat. Adaptable to a variety of soils. Full sun – part shade. Flowers over winter.