Wahlenbergia graniticola s.l. – Granite Bluebell

To 50CM. Perennial branched herb, stems rough-hair towards base. Scattered oblanceolate lower leaves. Alternate upper leaves linear, glabrous. Flowers peaking Oct to Jan.

Wahlenbergia communis – Tufted Bluebell

To 50CM. Vigorous, erect, branching perennial wildflower. Scattered narrow pale to deep green leaves.Single narrowly bell-shaped white, pale blue to bright blue flowers on branched stems Oct to Mar.

Vittardinia cuneata var. cuneata – Common or Fuzzy New Holland Daisy, Fuzzweed

To 40CM. Rounded to erect low shrub. Small wedge shaped leaves.Mauve to purple daisy like flower heads in loose clusters on leafy stalks Oct to Mar.

Tricoryne elatior – Yellow Rush Lily

To 70CM. Wiry sprawling perennial herb. Small basal grass-like leaves, not obvious.2-10 flowered umbels of bright yellow star-shaped flowers held above foliage. Segments twist spirally after flowering Sept to Feb.

Themeda triandra – Kangaroo Grass

To 1M. Tufted perennial grass. Limp flat or channelled green to bluish leaves.Interrupted golden brown panicles, pendant or arching Oct to Mar.

Solanum aviculare – Kangaroo Apple

To 3M. Erect rounded large shrub. Long dark green leaves, often lobed.3-10 deep bluish to purple flowers, often appearing frilled, with prominent yellow stamens Sept to Feb. Yellow to orange-yellow fruit when ripe. When immature the fruit can be toxic.

Rytidosperma bipartitum – Leafy Wallaby Grass

To 50CM. Tufted perennial grass. Leaves firm, rough or channelled.Loose, narrow panicle with fluffy, crowded, pale green flowered spikelets Nov to Feb.

Rodanthe anthemoides – Chamomile Sunray

To 30CM.Compact perennial herb. Glabrous blunt narrow or lanceolate green to blueish-green leaves. Single papery daisy flowerheads Sept to Feb.

Ranunculus lappaceus – Common or Australian Buttercup

To 60CM. Soft, tufted perennial herb. Basal leaves ovate to triangular, three lobed leaflets, toothed or further lobed. Long spreading hairs on lower stem.Glossy golden flowers, 5 petals, stalks longer than leaves Aug to Nov.

Pycnoporus globosus – Drumsticks

To 1M. Erect, clumping perennial wildflower. Basal leaves few, linear stem leaves erect, silvery-white to greyish on both sides. Few unbranched stems, densely white-woolly, at least near baseSingle globular, compound bright yellow heads held above foliage Aug to Jan.