To 20CM. Low densely tufted herb. Flat blueish-green leaves.Yellow to orange flowers hidden in the base of the foliage Aug to Dec.
To 90CM. Tussock-forming plant. Rigid flat green to greyish-green leaves.Clusters of densely whorled and weeping straw coloured bell shaped flowers Sept to Nov. Seed capsules become black and wrinkled.
To 5CM. Weak or trailing, suckering, succulent perennial herb. Shiny narrow leaves in opposite rows along the stem.Tiny white flowers, sometime mauve tinged on the back scattered along the stem, Sept to Apr.
To 50CM. Low wiry shrub. Small prickly dull green leaves.Dense axillary spikes of 3-4 fragrant white bearded flowers, crowded along the ends of branches Jul to Oct.
To 2M. Variable, wind pruned shrub to erect small tree when sheltered. Small stiff green leaves, paler below.Densely bearded white flowers tinged with maroon, crowded in small spikes Sept to Nov. Small fleshy, round white fruits, attractive to birds.
To 2M. Wiry upright shrub. Small, prickly rough dark green leaves.Small axillary spikes of white to soft pink bearded flowers, buds pink Aug to Oct.
To 40CM. Wiry, erect much-branched wildflower. Very narrow dark green leaves, dense cottony white below.Single yellow button flower heads held erect Oct to Mar.
To 5M. Erect shrub or small tree. Fragrant narrow dark green leaves.Masses of short stalked white flowers in axils towards the end of branchlets.Nectar source for butterflies and other insects Sept to Dec.
To 1M. Erect, coarse vigorously spreading perennial grass. Flat, erect, pale mottled green leaves, often with reddish parts.Dense fluffy cylindrical spike like panicle Jan to May.
To 70CM. Small erect spreading shrub. Thick, dark green elliptic leaves, downy above, paler below.Profuse terminal clusters 3-7 bright yellow flowers Aug to Dec.