To 50CM. Prostrate to erect herb. Velvety grey leaves, decreasing in size up the step. Erect spikes of purple-blue tubular flower, Sept to Dec.
To 60CM. Erect perennial herb. Narrow pinnate leaves, moderately hairy. Tiny, white flowers, with dark purple stamens clumped in groups on a spike Sept to Apr..
1-3M. Tufted semi-aquatic wildflower. Shiny round or kidney-shaped leaves, paler or purplish below, floating, erect in mud or water. Bright yellow flowers, usually 5-petalled, near the top of erect stems up to 1.3m high Oct to Mar.
To 40CM. Erect perennial herb. Narrow pinnate leaves. Tiny whitish flowers, with dark purple stamens Aug to Apr.
To 90CM. Much branched, erect, sticky, annual or biennial wildflower. Linear dark green leaves. Showy bright yellow flower heads Sept to Mar.
To 60CM. Slow-growing, stout perennial plant with thick woody stem. Arching green triangular leaves, crowded at top of stem. Dense clusters of yellowish, strongly scented flowers in a long terminal flowering spike Oct to Apr.
To 60CM. Tufted perennial wildflower. Alternate or opposite near base, upper leaves narrow. Soft blue bell-shaped flowers on long slender stalks.
To 1.2M. Tufted erect emergent perennial herb. Erect, thick dark green ovate to lanceolate leaves. Yellow 5-petalled flowers Sept to Mar.
To 25CM. Slender erect or trailing perennial wildflower. Blue-green to mid-green lanceolate leaves in pairs along the stem. Erect axillary clusters of 1-6 mauve to pale blue cup flowers with darker veins Sept to Feb.
To 35CM. Slender semi-aquatic perennial herb. Narrow green strap-like leaves. Slender, erect, loose 20-200 flowered spikes with tiny greenish-yellow flowers on erect stalks above the foliage Sept to May.