To 50CM. Variable robust aquatic perennial with thick, woody rhizomes, cylindrical tubers. Dense 52-320 flowered spike with small greenish flowers, fruit strongly twisted. In freshwater to 2M deep.
To 2.5M. Stoutly erect, leafy annual or biennial herb. Hairy leaves, most in a basal rosette, deeply divided into 3 wedge shaped, lobed segments. Numerous umbels of 40-100 stalked lacy white composite flowers in each flower head Oct to Apr.
To 1M. Erect annual herb with a well developed taproot. Stems and leaves often covered with dense white cottony hairs. Sessile narrow pointed leaves. Loose panicles of 40-300 flowerheads Sept to Mar.
To 3M. Erect rounded large shrub. Long dark green leaves, often lobed. 3-10 deep bluish to purple flowers, often appearing frilled, with prominent yellow stamens Sept to Feb. Yellow to orange-yellow fruit when ripe. When immature the fruit can be toxic.
To 1.5M. Erect or sprawling perennial herb or small shrub. Dark green, thin to fleshy toothed leaves. Loose clusters of 3-40 yellow daisy-like flower heads Aug to Mar.
To 5CM. Prostrate, often mat-forming herb. Succulent, shiny bright green spoon-shaped leaves, alternate or in tufts along the prostrate stem. White to mauve fan-shaped flowers, reddish brown on outside Oct to April.
To 40CM. Creeping to erect perennial herb. Tiny thick dull green leaves at base and along stem, continuing on above flower clusters. Short terminal clusters of small waxy pink or white flowers on erect, sometimes reddish flowering stems Oct to Mar.
To 80CM. Tufted or tussock-forming grass. Fine light green leaves. Slender interrupted panicle, pale greenish flowered spikelets Sept to Jan.
To 70CM. Variable tufted perennial grass. Finely inrolled leaves with spreading hairs.Dense lanceolate panicle, green to purplish flowered spikelets Oct to Jan.