13 Jan bird survey

Evaporation accompanying recent hot weather lowered the levels of both lakes, especially the saline one. Indeed, before the rain on Sunday 12 January, this water body, viewed from the bridge, appeared to be starting to turn pink. We are very concerned that, during late…

24 Dec bird survey

This survey did not obtain the high number of species compared to recent counts, however it was still very satisfactory. Water levels have risen due to recent rain, for example the Saltwater Lake level was 0.75 m on 4 Nov – now it is…

4 Nov bird survey

The park is becoming very dry after little or no rain over the last 2-3 weeks, but the water in all the main water bodies – large freshwater lake, saltwater lakes, dam and Horseshoe Lake remain at a high level. Although the Rufous Whistler…

7 Oct bird survey

Continuing moderate rains have maintained water levels in both major lakes. On this overcast and windy day, overall numbers were exceptional, with some rarities encountered. Several species appeared to be breeding. There is quite a lot of recent algal growth in the freshwater lake….

9 Sept bird survey

Recent moderate rains have raised water levels in both major lakes. The Powerful Owl recorded in August remained in the park a few more days, but has not been observed since 12 August. On this overcast and windy day, overall bird numbers and diversity…

5 August bird survey

As can be seen in today’s results, the survey was very rewarding. After several dry months, there has been reasonable rainfall over the last few weeks. Unusual sightings today were four very elusive Brown Quail, Little Grassbirds calling on the edge of the Large…

1 July bird survey

Despite the cold and very recent rain, the survey produced gratifying results. Especially pleasing were the numbers of small birds: Red-browed Finches seem to be increasing in number; Golden Whistlers have been present for some months now; Eastern Spinebills have returned; and as usual…

3 June bird survey

Water levels have been slightly raised by recent showers. Whilst the weather for the survey was unprepossessing, the largest group of observers for a long while enjoyed itself greatly. The highlights were sighting three raptor species, a Pacific Gull, a spectacular flight of 50…

May 6 bird survey

The park has had relatively little rain, so water levels are dropping. Nevertheless, this was another interesting survey with over 50 species and small passerines were well represented. Moreover, the survey team two Eastern Spinebills, spotted but could not identify a female robin, and…

April 8 bird survey

For the several observers, this was a memorable survey. Particularly interesting were the swarms of Grey Fantails, with one Rufous Fantail tagging along in the undergrowth; the larger than usual number of Red Wattlebirds; the single female Flame Robin; and a Golden Whistler, not…