Acacia time

The indigenous Acacias in Westgate Park are looking spectacular and it will be a bumper season for flowers, pollen and seeds. At Bili Nursery we propagate 13 species of Acacia; everything from tall forest trees to low shrubs. There is no indigenous genus in…

A new lily in stock!

It’s the first time we have propagated these pretty Arthropodium minus – Small Vanilla-lilies – and they have done very well. They are perennial and form tubers which store nutrients for the following growing season. This fragrant vanilla lily flowers from August to December….

Gonocarpus tetragynus – Creeping raspwort

To 30CM. Erect bushy herb covered in flattened, short, white bristly hairs. Loose spikes of tiny pinkish-red flowers Sept – Jan. Small fruit, silvery grey. Full sun, semi-shade.

Eleocharis acuta – Common Spike-sedge

to 90cm. Semi-aquatic herb with erect stems. Slender grass-like leaves. Narrow cylindric spikelet straw-coloured tinged with dark brown Sept-Mar.

Eucalyptus viminalis ssp. pryoriana – Coast Manna Gum

To 15M. Spreading tree with dense crown, rough bark, shedding from upper trunk and branches. Narrow blue green leaves with weeping habit. Egg to spindle-shaped buds in axillary clusters of 3 creamy flowers Jan-Mar. Nectar source for butterflies and other insects. Round fruit with…

Eucalyptus radiata s.l. – Narrow-leaf Peppermint

To 40M. Low branching tree with dense canopy, bark rough and fibrous to the small branches. Aromatic, thin-textured narrow leaves. Numerous small club-shaped buds in axillary clusters followed by profuse creamy to pale yellow flowers Oct-Jan. Nectar source for butterflies and other insects. Small…

Eucalyptus polyanthemos – Red Box

To 15M. Slow-growing, small to medium tree sometimes with crooked trunk, compact to spreading blue green crown, rough bark. Terminal panicles of 7 bluish club-shaped buds, scar present, Sept-Jan. Requires good drainage tolerating poor stony soils, full sun, semi-shade. Profuse flowering produces copious, excellent…

Eucalyptus paucifolia – Snow Gum

To 30M. Rounded low branching tree, bark smooth, bark on young branches reddish. Weeping glaucous young growth becoming thick shiny grey- to olive-green leaves.Axillary clusters of 11+ club-shaped buds on thick stalks with creamy flowers Dec-Feb. Fruit cup-shaped, shortly stalked, usually 3 valves, disc…

Eucalyptus melliodora – Yellow Box

To 30M. Variable open to dense tree, loose fibrous to scaly, yellow-brown bark, smooth pale grey to yellow bark on top and branches. Oval grey-green becoming dull green to greyish lanceolate leaves. Axillary racemes of 7 club-shaped buds followed by profuse perfumed creamy flowers…

Eucalyptus leucoxylon – Melbourne Yellow Gum

To 20M. Upright tree with spreading crown, bark rough, loose, fibrous at base, smooth yellowish above. Young heart-shaped green or blue-green leaves becoming long olive-green to green. Axillary clusters of ovoid buds in 3s on long thin stalks, followed by profuse light yellow flowers…