To 40M. Large open spreading tree, smooth mottled bark becoming rough at base. Bluish green when young, becoming long dull green leaves. Axillary racemes of 7-11 long stalked buds followed by profuse cream to pale yellow flowers Nov – Feb with long stamens. Nectar…
To 4M. Erect to spreading shrub. Sticky slender green darkish leaves. Tiny greenish petalless flowers, Aug – Dec. Fruit showy, becoming conspicuous dark red seed pods with papery wings, often mistaken as the flowers. Fruit was used by the early settlers for brewing beer,…
Flat green to bluish-green leaves. Dense erect spike-like panicle with feathery seed head. Flowers Oct-March.
1.3M x 0.4-1M. Soft, spreading linear light green (to blue-green) leaves.lowers Sept-Jan. Roundish pale blue berries. The tough strap-like leaves were used for basket making and plaiting into cords. The roots were cooked. Berries of some species were eaten in moderation, while the black…
0.5-2M x 1-3M. Dense spreading shrub, grey-green leaves, paler and velvety below. Adapts to most well-drained soils, tolerating moisture or extended dry periods. Waxy white flowers, peaking spring and summer. Useful for soil building or low screen. Butterfly-attracting. The icon of our logo!
0.9-2.5M high. Large rhizomatous perennial herb forming extensive clumps. Moist to wet soils tolerating moderate saline levels. Full sun, semi-shade. Rare in Victoria.
0.3-1M x 1-3M. Aromatic perennial herb, erect stems produced from creeping rhizomes. Foliage is variable. Dense clusters of flowerheads Oct-May. Requires moist to dry soils.Full sun, semi-shade. Old growth should be hard-pruned.
1.5-45CM high. Open or compacted tufted grass, blueish green. Requires well-drained conditions, heavy soils, full sun. Attractive grass for sunny rockeries.
Prostrate x 1-2M. Fast-growing creeping perennial herb, leaves grow from notes along rhizomes. Requires moist to wet soils. Full sun, semi-shade. Grows well around pools and boggy areas.
1-3M x 1-2M. Open, erect, weeping aromatic shrub. Requires well-drained soils. Full sun, semi-shade. Easy to grow, tolerates poor, stony soils.