Carex tereticaulis – Common Sedge

0.4-1.2M x 1M. Densely tufted clumps. Requires moist heavy winter-wet soils. Full sun, semi-shade.

Carex fascicularis – Tassel Sedge

0.5-1M high. Densely tufted sedge, Requires moist spoil, tolerates inundation, semi-shade.

Carex apressa – Tall Sedge

0.5-1.2M x 0.5-1M. Dense yellow-green tussocks. Requires moist soil, tolerates periods of inundation. Full sun, semi-shade. A tough sedge, suitable for stabilising eroded stream banks. Leaves used by First Nations people for basket-making. Attracts butterflies and caterpillars.

Calocephalus lacteus – Milky Beauty-heads

15-50CM. Small, sprawling hairy herb. Flowers white globular to oblong buttons Nov-Feb. Requires moist soils tolerating inundation and some salinity. Full sun, semi-shade.

Bossiaea prostrata – Creeping Bossiaea

Prostrate x 0.5M-1.5M. Spreading or matting ground cover. Pea flowers Oct-Nov. Easy to grow in well-drained soils, semi-shade to full-shade.

Bossiaea cinerea – Showy Bossiaea

1-2M x 1-2M. Ornamental, dense, low, erect and spreading shrub. Profuse yellow and red pea flowers Aug-Sept. Adapts to most well-drained soils. Full sun, semi-shade. Can be pruned hard.

Billardiera scandens – Velvet Apple-berry

To 1.2M high. Hairy shrub with bell-shaped flowers. Endemic but rare in Victoria. Berries were eaten by First Nations people.

Billardiera mutabilis – Common Apple-berry

Low climber. Single greenish-yellow bell-shaped flowers Jun-Jan. Requires well-drained dry to moist soils, full sun to full shade.

Banksia marginata – Silver Banksia, Warrock

1-6M x 1-4M. Dense to open shrub or small tree. Dark green leaves, silver below. Yellow hairy flowers in brushes, Feb-June. Prefers good drainage, tolerates wet soil in winter, dry in summer. Full sun, semi-shade. Is an excellent screening plant, cut flowers keep well.

Austrostipa scabra – Rough Spear-grass

30-60CM high. Slender, tufted perennial grass. Requires well-drained dryish soils. Full sun, semi-shade.