Lomandra longifolia – Spiny-headed Mat-rush

To 1M. Dense tussock plant. Smooth bright green flat strap like leaves. Small yellow to cream flowers along a stem, shiny greenish-brown seeds remain most of the year.

Linum marginale – Native Flax

To 70CM. Slender, erect bluish perennial wildflower. Small, upward pointing, narrow bright green leaves.Loose terminal panicles of small open, clear blue flowers often with darker veins and white anthers Sept to Feb. Fruit a round papery capsule. Spreads in drifts. Cut back hard in…

Indigofera australis – Austral Indigo

To 2.5M. Open spreading shrub. Pinnate blue-green leaves with elliptical leaflets. Long sprays of mauve, occasionally white or pink, pea flowers. Long, narrow seed pod. Prefers a sheltered position, useful for under tree planting. Insect attracting.

Hardenbergia violacea – Purple Coral Pea

To 20CM. Prostrate creeper or wiry scrambler over other plants. Leathery dark green lanceolate leaves, paler below. Sprays of dark purple pea flowers with a prominent green and white centre massed along branches Jul to Nov. Full sun to light shade, will tolerate salty…

Grevillea rosemarinifolia – Rosemary Grevillea

To 2M. A compact to open shrub. Stiff, narrow, linear bright green leaves. Dense one-sided racemes of red and cream spidery flowers curved down from the end of branchlets Aug to Dec. Tolerates well-drained soils.

Goodenia ovata, prostrate – Hop Goodenia

To 10CM. Attractive ground covering plant. Lush, green foliage and massed, showy,  yellow flowers throughout the warmer months of the year.   Suits full sun to semi-shaded positions & well-drained soils.  Tolerates drought and moderate frosts.

Glycine clandestina – Twining Glycine

To 2M Open twining herb, climbs over other plants. Stems, prostrate or mat-forming. Small stiff three-part leaves along stem. Racemes of small bluish-mauve pea flowers Aug to Feb. Flowers provide a food source (nectar and pollen) for native insects, including bees and wasps. Can…

Eutaxia microphylla – small-leaved Eutaxia

To 1M. Variable heath-like small shrub. Crowded, tiny flat greyish-green leaves, branchlets on older growth becomes spiny. Profuse tiny yellow pea flowers streaked red or purple, usually singly in leaf axils Aug to Oct. Adapts to most soils and will tolerate wet or dry…

Enchylaena tomentosa – Ruby Saltbush

To 1.5M. Low spreading or upright shrub. Small bluish-green to dark green succulent leaves with red, pink or yellow berries. Single insignificant greenish flowers Sept to Apr. Responds well to pruning. Full sun – part shade.

Dodonea viscosa ssp. cuneata – Wedge-leaf Hop Bush

To 4M. Erect to spreading shrub. Sticky slender green darkish leaves. Tiny greenish petalless flowers Aug to Dec. Hardy, attractive. Prefers well-drained soils in full sun to partial shade. Drought tolerant once established. Responds well to pruning.