Disphyma crassifolium – Rounded Noon-flower

To 10CM 1-2m wide, succulent, spreading perennial mat. Pairs of shiny, succulent, fresh green cylindrical leaves, sometimes tinged yellow or red. Daisy-like bold pink or magenta flowers with white centre Oct to Feb. Tolerates salty soils, drought, frost and hi...

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Dianella brevicaulis – Small-flower Flax-lily

To 50CM.  Closely tufted plant. Long dark green linear leaves. Dense panicles of dark blue flowers, generally shorter than the foliage, followed by purple berries.  Full sun to part shade.

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Craspedia variabilis – Billy Buttons

To 50CM. Erect wildflower. Basal rosette of narrow blue- to olive-green leaves. Single bright yellow globular flower heads held erect on long straw-coloured to reddish stalks Sept to Feb.Nectar source for butterflies and other insects. Tolerates waterlogging a...

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Correa reflexa – Native Fuchsia

To 2M. Variable dense upright to spreading shrub.  Dull green, rough ovate leaves.1-2 large, pendant light green bells at the end of side branchlets, sometimes red with green tips Mar to Sept. Excellent for dry, shady areas. Requires average to well-drained ...

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Correa glabra – Rock Correa

To 2.7M Dense, erect shrub. Thin dark green oblong leaves held horizontally. Solitary pale yellow-green bells hanging from ends of short branchlets Mar to Nov.  Adaptable to heavy or light soils and will grow in dappled shade, partial or full sun.

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Convovulus erubescens – Pink Bindweed

0.3m H x 0.5m W. Blushing pink flowers in spring. Tolerates moderately salty winds, full sun and heavier soils. Likes well-drained soil, hot, dry areas.

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Chrysocephalum apiculatum – Common Everlasting

To 60M. Spreading to erect perennial herb with cottony or cobwebbed stems, Bright yellow flowers year-round, peaking Sept to Feb. Well-drained soils in full to filtered sun. Prune hard to rejuvenate.

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Calocephalus citreus – Lemon Beauty Heads

To 70CM. Wildflower. Soft grey, mostly paired leaves. Silver-grey foliage with bright yellow flowers Oct-Feb. Suitable for containers, needs well-drained or clay and loamy soils. Full sun to semi-shade.

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Arthropodium milleflorum -Vanilla Lily

To 80CM. Tufted herb with flower spike. Slightly fleshy, spreading dark green leaves from base.Pale pink, pale mauve or white flowers in clusters on branched stems. Beautiful lilac, vanilla-scented flower spikes Nov to Feb. Grows in full sun or partial shade i...

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Apium prostratum – Sea Celery

To 2M. Prostrate herb, weak, trailing perennial. Smooth celery like leaves. Inconspicuous cream to green flowers with yellow-brown midrib in umbels Dec to Mar. Moist, well-drained sandy soils. Full sun. Suitable for a rockery.  Leaves and stems may be used a...

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