Help us preserve local biodiversity and protect habitat by volunteering for Gardens for Wildlife Melbourne.
The City of Melbourne in partnership with Westgate Biodiversity: Bili Nursery & Landcare, is initiating a Gardens for Wildlife Melbourne pilot program and seeking community involvement to establish a local program.
and find out more about how you can be involved in the program. This interactive information evening and social event is a fantastic opportunity to share your ideas about wildlife gardening in Melbourne.
Volunteer meet & greet 21 March 2019 5.30pm – 7.30pm
Bili Nursery, 525 Williamstown Road, Port Melbourne
See here for more and to register. Places at this event are free but numbers are limited.
Gardens for Wildlife is an exciting program that provides the community with inspiration for providing habitat in their gardens so local wildlife can flourish. Volunteers work in pairs to visit the gardens of new members and provide examples and ideas that encourage gardeners to value local biodiversity and conserve indigenous flora and fauna.
Gardens for Wildlife Victoria is a state-wide network of community group and local government partnerships active in more than 25 municipalities across Victoria. The network supports collaboration, connections and wellbeing alongside environmental objectives.
Private landholders manage a similar proportion of land in our municipality as the City of Melbourne; so protection and enhancement of our urban environment by private landholders is critical for achieving healthy ecosystems and thriving biodiversity.
By participating in the program and becoming engaged in wildlife gardening, you too are a volunteer helping our community to foster local nature.