Our 2nd night time walk for microbats

21 nest boxes at Westgate Park were monitored on Saturday night by the microbats team. They found spider webs and a few insects but no microbats! This is not surprising. It could take years for them to take up residence so patience is essential.

At least this small possum is making use of one of the bird boxes, its sleep rudely interrupted by our Ferret camera on the end of the extendable stick.

On our walk with the echo locators we did discover microbat activity in the southern section, not far from the bridge. So given the fact that it was rather cold and windy it was probably not a bad result.

The spectogram below is a digitiised version showing the shape of the call in green. It is very likely to be the Goulds Wattled Bat – one of the larger and more common microbats in Victoria.

If you would like to know more about microbats or to join our microbat monitoring team, let us know here.