Volunteer with us

Volunteers who work with us are giving back to the environment, making a difference every day. We volunteer at Bili Landcare (at Westgate Park) and Bili Nursery (at 525 Williamstown Road, Port Melbourne). Volunteers have the opportunity to do a wide range of hands-on conservation activities such as:

  • growing plants – getting first-hand experience in seed collection and ‘cleaning’, seed sowing, propagating, pricking out seedlings, taking cuttings and maintaining plants in the nursery
  • planting trees, shrubs, climbers, ground covers and wildflowers at Westgate Park
  • fostering good plant growth by weeding and pruning
  • recording species in our monthly bird surveys and occasional fungi forays
  • litter pick-ups and surveys along the Yarra River
  • plus other one-off projects like nest-box building and monitoring

Register your interest in volunteering