4-11M x 3-6M. Small erect tree. Grey-green needles. Male flowers – yellow to brown spikes, flowers widely spread. Flowers March-Dec. Large cones with very dark brown winged seeds.
Category: Bili Nursery plants
Allocasuarina paludosa – Scrub Sheoak
0.5-2M x 1-2M. Slow-growing. Requires moist to wet clay or sandy soils tolerating better drainage once established. Full sun, semi-shade.
Allocasuarina littoralis – Black Sheoak
4-8M x 2-5M. Upright tree, fissured bark. Female flowers reddish, male dark brown March-June. Requires well-drained soils, full sun, semi-shade. Attractive to birds and caterpillars.
Alisma plantago-aquatica – Water Plantain
0.5-1.5M x 50CM. Perennial herb, tuberous rhizome. Small pale pink flowers Nov-March, lasting 1 day. Requires wet soil to shallow water, full sun to semi-shade. Easily grown in bog gardens.
Acacia verticillata – Prickly Moses
2-6M x 3-5M. Prickly open shrub. Light yellow spikes Jun-Dec. Tolerates most moist soils, waterlogging and drying in summer. Semi-shade to dappled shade. Prune for bushy habitat.
Acacia ulicifolia – Juniper Wattle
1-2M x 1-2M. Upright, rounded shrub, cream to pale yellow ball-shaped flowerheads April-Sept. Prefers well-drained soils, semi-shade. Good low screen providing prickly bird habitat.
Acacia stricta – Hop Wattle
2-5M x 2-4M. Upright shrub, quick-growing, drought hardy and tolerates coastal exposure. Pale yellow ball-shaped flowerheads, May-Oct. Full sun-full shade.
Acacia pycnantha – Golden Wattle
3-10M x 2-5M. Erect or spreading small tree. Densely flowered, perfumed ball-shaped flowerheads Jul-Oct. Requires well-drained loamy soil, full sun, semi shade.
Acacia oxycedrus – Spike Wattle
To 3M. Spreading shrub to small tree. Rigid dark green phyllodes, broader at base, tapering to a sharp point. Showy bright yellow spikes, Jun-Nov. Adaptable in wet to dryish periods, requires full sun to full shade. Nectar source for butterflies and other inse...
Acacia melanoxylon – Blackwood
To 30M. Fast-growing upright tree with heavy canopy and fissured bark. Dull green variable phyllodes. New growth often has small ferny leaves growing from the phyllode tips.Cream ball-shaped flowers in short racemes. Cream ball-shaped flowerheads Jul-Oct. Pref...