May 2018 bird survey

Diving feeders – Hardheads, Australasian Grebes and Hoary-headed Grebes – in better than average numbers suggest aquatic invertebrates and other small prey are plentiful in Freshwater Lake. With levels of both main lakes remaining fairly high, con...

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Apr 2018 Bird survey

Although water levels in the large lakes dropped considerably last month, conditions are good for birds. Park volunteers saw six pelicans feeding on the large freshwater lake early that survey morning, so food, most likely Mosquito Fish Gambusia affinis, is ...

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Jan 2018 bird survey

Pleasingly, almost all recently hatched Australasian Grebes, Dusky Moorhens, Eurasian Coots and Black-winged Stilts recorded in December are now healthy juveniles. Water levels are very high in the main lakes, but lower in smaller water bodies. Land-based ...

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Dec 2017 bird survey

Some common land-based bird species were recorded in higher than usual numbers, especially White-plumed Honeyeaters. The eight Noisy Miners seen along Todd Road were of concern; we hope they will not extend their range into Westgate Park. All lakes, smaller wa...

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