The pinkness has gone now, no doubt because of cooler weather, recent rain and less sunshine, but it was certainly spectacular while it lasted. We now understand, thanks to sampling by freshwater ecologist, Joan Powling, that this explosion of colour was made by a purple…
Please join us on the first Saturday of the month to work with locally native plants 10.30am to 12.30pm
On the survey date drought was still biting at Westgate Park, which received very little rain in late April and early May. All lakes were very low, with exposed mud connecting the freshwater lake’s islands, and the freshwater dam almost completely dry. However, freshwater wetlands…
After many dry months and just 3 mm of rain in March, Westgate Park is severely stressed, with numerous dead shrubs and trees, especially narrow-leafed peppermints and banksias. Although some eucalypts, including the large Ironbark near the windmill, are flowering, the dry conditions appear…
After a long run of extreme heat and almost no rain in January and February park vegetation is stressed, with some shrubs dying. Nevertheless, the survey produced exciting results and 53 species. A larger than usual range of land-based bird species observed included a…
Our workshops in March & April are all native and will cover pollinators, Kokedama, terrarium and weaving. Not to be missed!
Bili Nursery (525 Williamstown Road, Port Melb) closes on Saturdays over summer and will be open again for trading from 23 March 2019.
Help us preserve local biodiversity and protect habitat by volunteering for Gardens for Wildlife Melbourne. The City of Melbourne in partnership with Westgate Biodiversity: Bili Nursery & Landcare, is initiating a Gardens for Wildlife Melbourne pilot program and seeking community involvement to establish a…
Results of water sampling show that our two sites and those from Royal Park have the highest number of waterbugs and habitat ratings. Westgate Park samples showed the most species or biodiversity. WESTGATE PARK Date of monitoring 20 Oct 2018 Site name Dam outlet…
In September 2018 we finalised our Strategic Plan for 2018/9 to 2021/2 and settled on our vision and mission statements. We also articulated our values and what biodiversity means to us. We can say progress has been good now that we are halfway through…