Acacia melanoxylon – Blackwood

To 30M. Fast-growing upright tree with heavy canopy and fissured bark. Dull green variable phyllodes. New growth often has small ferny leaves growing from the phyllode tips.Cream ball-shaped flowers in short racemes. Cream ball-shaped flowerheads Jul-Oct. Pref...

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Acacia mearnsii – Black Wattle

To 15M. Tree. Bipinate dark to olive green leaves.Strongly scented pale yellow ball-shaped flower heads in dense racemes Sept to Nov. Pod straight, strongly constricted between seeds.

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Clematis microphylla – Small-leaved Clematis

Attractive, light climber, masses of creamy white flowers during spring followed by cotton-like fruits during summer. Grows in all soils with reasonable drainage.  Full sun to part shade.

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Senna artemisiodes – Silver cassia

Attractive, low maintenance shrub 1-3mt H X 1-2mt W. Well-drained soil, flowers winter & spring, clusters of bright yellow pea-shaped blooms. Tolerates drought and frost, responds well to light pruning after flowering.

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Coronidium scorpiodies – Button Everlasting

20-30 H x 20-30 W.  Hardy, attractive perennial herb. Prefers well-drained soils in full sun to partial shade. Suitable for pots, yellow flowers Sept – Dec.

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Dicanthium sericeum – Silky Blue Grass

Perennial grass to 80cm high, flat blueish leaves and whitish silky panicle flower. Overwinters as a rosette, well-drained soil, full sun.

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Dianella admixta – Spreading Flax Lily

30-80cm high X .5 -1.5 mt. Dense tufted perennial. Panicles of blue to violet flowers.

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Ficinia nodosa – Knobby Club-sedge

Hardy, densely tufted perennial sedge ideal for all soil types. Useful in damp sites and for preventing erosion. Creates great habitat for establishing riparian zones. Up to 1m tall, spreading by rhizomes.

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Wahlenbergia stricta – Tall Bluebell

H 40-50cm, W 10-40cm. Delicate, suckering perennial with narrow leaves. Numerous large, bright blue, bell-shaped flowers Oct-Mar. Prefers sunny position in dry, well-drained soil. 

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Wahlenbergia multicaulis – Tall Bluebell

H 40-50cm, W 10-40cm. Delicate, suckering perennial with narrow leaves. Numerous large, bright blue, bell-shaped flowers Oct-Mar. Prefers sunny position in dry, well-drained soil. 

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