Viola hederacea – Native Violet

Spreading ground cover with pretty purple and white flowers. Moist soils, performs best in partial sun to full shade.

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Vittardinia gracilis – Slender Speedwell

Erect perennial Herb, 15-30cm x 1 mt Full sun to light shade. Moist, well-drained soil, pale blue cup flowers, blue-green lanceolate leaves, seed heads provide interest in Autumn. Will die back to a rhizome in extended dry periods.

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Tetratheca ciliata – Pink Bells

H 30-60cm, W 30-60cm, upright shrub with pink flowers Jul-Dec. Prefers moist to dryish, well-drained soils in semi-shade to full-shade. Ideal for pots. 

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Stylidium graminifolium – Grass-leaved Trigger Plant

Ornamental perennial forming a small (30×30) tussock of grey-green leaves.  Numerous small, showy pink to white flowers held on erect stems in spring.  Moist well-drained soils, tolerating dry once established. Not for heavy soils.  

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Podolepis jaceoides – Showy Podolepis

Wildflower 0.30cm x H –0.60cm x W. Attractive bright yellow daisy flowerheads to 5cm x W from Oct – Dec. Well drained soils. Requires extra summer watering. Endangered within Melbourne Area. 

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Poa sieberiana – Grey Tussock-grass

Grey to bluish tufting grass growing up 80cm tall and 1m wide. Very adaptable, preferring well-drained soil. Full sun to semi-shade. Flowering Oct-March. 

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Poa labillardieri – Coastal Fescue

A tussock grass to approx 1m high.  Features green or purplish flower heads from October to February.  Adapts to moist or dry soils.  Full or part sun. 

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Olearia ramulosa – Twiggy Daisy Bush

0.5 – 2m H x 1m W. Requires well-drained soils. Tolerates moderately salty winds. Full sun or partial shade. Prune after flowering. Suitable for understorey planting.

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Olearia glutinosa – Sticky Daisy Bush

1-2m H x 1-2m W. Requires well-drained soils. Tolerates dryness once established. Full sun or partial shade. Massed, mauve daisy flowers from Dec-Feb. Very hardy.

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Myoporum parvifolium – Fine Leaf Creeping Boobialla

To 10CM. Open matting ground cover. Thick, narrow bright green leaves clustered along stems.Masses of tiny star-like white or pink flowers with purple spots Oct to Mar. Tiny, edible green to purplish fruit. Suitable for containers or cascading over walls. Full...

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