Hibbertia fasciculata var. prostrata – Stalked or Bundled Guinea-flower

To 30CM. Low spreading shrub.

Soft downy needle-like leaves in clusters.
Clusters of yellow flowers at the end of short shoots Sept to Dec.

Goodenia humilis – Swamp Goodenia

To 20CM. Small erect perennial herb.

Thick, narrow bright green leaves, mainly at the base.
Profuse terminal sprays of yellow flowers often with reddish markings Nov to Mar.

Eryngium versiculosum – Prickfoot

To 30C Prostrate perennial.

Rigid bright green leaves with sharply toothed edges.
Small, globular, spiky pale blue flower heads Dec to Feb.

Dillwynia cinerascens s.l. – Grey Parrot-pea

To 1.5M. Open spreading under-storey shrub.

Greyish-green narrow to thread-like leaves.
Clusters of yellow and orange pea flowers with orange centres, at the top of the stems.

Dianella tasmanica – Tasman Flax-lily

To 1M. Very robust tufted vigorous perennial herb.

Erect, flat linear leaves, distinctly serrated along margins.
Strong many branched panicles of metallic blue to deep purple flowers exceeding the foliage with prominent pale yellow anthers Oct to Feb. Shiny violet to blue berries

Dianella sp. aff revoluta

To 65CM. Densely tufted clumps.

Stiffly erect linear leaves, paler blue-green below.
Loose panicles of blue to violet flowers with prominent blackish-purple anthers Sept to Dec. Edible, shiny round pale dull blue berries

Davesia ulicifolia – Gorse Bitter-pea

To 2M. Open shrub.

Small thin tapering dark green spiny leaves.
Racemes of orange-yellow pea flowers with orange to brown centres in leaf axils Aug to Nov.

Davesia leptophylla – Narrow Leaf or Slender Bitter-pea

To 2M. Multi-stemmed shrub.

Stiff, dull yellow-green narrow leaves along stem.
Racemes of orange-yellow pea flowers with red centres in leaf axils Aug to Dec.

Davesia latifolia – Hop Bitter-pea

To 2M. Open, spreading shrub.

Large leathery grey-green ovate leaves.
Dense racemes of small fragrant orange-yellow pea flowers with maroon centres Sept to Dec.

Cyperus lucidus – Leafy Flat Sedge

To 1..5M. Tussock-forming perennial herb.

Shiny dark green, flat or channelled ridged leaves.
Compound umbel of dense cylindrical brown spikes at end of branches Oct to Feb.