Rytidosperma setaceum – Bristly Wallaby Grass

To 70CM. Variable tufted perennial grass. Finely inrolled leaves with spreading hairs.Dense lanceolate panicle, green to purplish flowered spikelets Oct to Jan.

Rytidosperma duttoniana – Brown-black Wallaby Grass

To 80CM. Robust tufted perennial grass. Flat or channelled leaves. Dense ovate panicles with pale green flowered spikelets clustered towards the end of flowering branches.

Rytidosperma caespitosum – Common Wallaby Grass

To 90CM. Tufted perennial grass. Leaves variable, usually hairy, flat or rolled often blue-green on upper surface. Panicles variable, usually dense with purplish flowered spikelets Sept to Dec.

Rytidosperma geniculatum – Kneed Wallaby Grass

To 40CM. Slender tufted perennial grass. Fine, softly hairy inrolled leaves. Dense ovate panicle, purplish flowered spikelets Oct to Dec.

Rubus parvifolius – Small-leaf Bramble, Native Raspberry

To 1.5M. Scrambling shrub or trailer. Lobed to deeply toothed, wrinkled, pinnate leaves, bright green above, silvery and velvety below. The terminal leaf is the largest. Short terminal sprays of small deep pink flowers Nov to Feb. Fruit is a round head of small edible red berries.

Rhagodia candolleana – Seaberry Saltbush

To 4M. Dense, Sprawling shrub. Thin to semi-succulent, shiny dark green leaves, greyish and scaly below. Inconspicuous whitish flowers in mealy pyramidal sprays. Flowering Sept to Dec. Small, shiny, flat, dark red berries with a bitter taste.

Ranunculus papulentus – Large River Buttercup

To 25CM. Vigorous aquatic or semi-aquatic perennial herb, often forming large mats. Leaves mostly tufted at base, triangular to ovate, deeply dissected into several narrow segments. Glossy bright yellow flowers with 5-9 petals. Flowers Nov to Feb.

Ranunculus inundatus – River Buttercup

To 30CM. Vigorous aquatic or semi-aquatic perennial herb, often forming large mats. Basal leaves tufted, deeply divided into very narrow segments. Erect flowering stalks longer than leaves, with 1-3 flowers with 5-7 narrow glossy yellow petals.

Pomaderris paniculosa ssp paralia – Coast Pomaderris

To 3M. Upright shrub. Ovate leaves, shiny green above, pale and densely hairy below. Many small cream to greenish flowers scattered in narrow terminal and axillary panicles. Flowers Sept to Oct.

Poa poiformis – Coast or Blue Tussock Grass

To 1M. Densley tufting grass, Rigidly erect, often bluish leaves. Dense narrow panicles with large pale green to straw-coloured flowered spikelets, Sept to Jan.