To 90CM. Dense bluish-grey grass tussock. Weak, flat, velvety leaves. Open pyramidal panicle, green or purplish spikelets Oct to Nov.
To 1M. Trailing to erect suckering shrub. Pairs of triangular or arrow-shaped leaves, often with sharp points. Yellow pea-shaped flowers with red central markings Sept to Nov. Winged mid-brown seed pods.
To 1.2M. Erect, tufted, semi-aquatic perennial herb. Pointed reddish-green strap-shaped leaves on a single stem. Leafy spike of 10-40 velvety, yellow hooded flowers Dec to Mar. Soft white woolly fruit.
To 80CM. Aquatic to terrestrial, erect to spreading perennial herb. Long lanceolate leaves often with a dark blotch, sometimes red. Small, bright pink flowers in slender erect spikes. Flowering Dec to Apr.
To 35CM. Small wildflower. Thin linear tapering leaves.1-4 flowering stems with single star-shaped yellow flower. Flowers Aug to Nov.
To 55CM. Tussock-forming wildflower. Long flat strappy leaves. Bright bluish-purple flowers, occasionally white, on stems as long or longer than foliage. Flowers Sept-Dec.
To 6M. Woody climber or scrambler over other plants. Pairs of glossy dark green pinnate leaves.
Many-flowered pendant bunches of long tubular creamy white flowers with maroon markings, Aug to Nov.
To 2.5M. Erect shrub or small tree. Broad, dense terminal clusters of tiny white flower heads. Long and short narrow dark green leaves, glistening above, cottony greyish or yellow-green below. Broad, dense terminal clusters of tiny white flower heads Dec-Mar.
To 2M. Dense spreading shrub. Stiff, narrow grey-green leaves, densely woolly white below, tinged yellow at base. Dense hemispherical clusters of 20-40 cream to yellowish tubular flower heads. Flowers Jan-Mar.
Tufted semi-aquatic wildflower. Shiny round or kidney-shaped leaves, paler or purplish below, floating, erect in mud or water. Bright yellow flowers, usually 5-petalled, near the top of erect stems up to 1.3m high. Flowers Oct-Mar.