To 60CM. Erect tufted wildflower.
Few slender basal leaves, stem leaves olive green above, paler white-woolly below. Many unbranched, densely white-woolly stems.
Solitary globular, compound bright yellow heads held above foliage Aug to Jan.
Nectar source for butterflies and other insects.
To 1M. Spreading, trailing or matting shrub.
Hairy, crowded, very narrow grey-green leaves.
Single or paired pale yellow flowers at the ends of short branchlets surrounded by clusters of leaves Sept to Nov..
To 3M. Erect or spreading shrub.
Dark green wedge shaped leaves, notched at the end, paler below.
Masses of orange-yellow pea flowers with red in centre, in loose clusters.
To 30CM. Straggling perennial low shrub, with suckering habit.
Green to grey-green leaves with a blunt tip.
Dense, fragrant creamy white flower heads Sept to Dec.
Nectar source for butterflies and other insects.
To 30CM. Erect, many branched low shrub.
Narrow bluish-green leaves.
Terminal, erect, hemispherical heads of creamy white tubular flowers Sept to Dec.
Nectar source for butterflies and other insects.
To 1M. Erect low shrub.
Alternate, pale to dull green leaves, densely hairy below.
Heads of small curved yellow-green flowers, sometimes dark red on tips Sept to Feb.
Nectar source for butterflies and other insects.
To 60CM. Tussock-forming wildflower.
Long stiff narrow blue-green leaves.
Bright deep purple flowers on stems shorter than the leaves Aug to Dec.
To 3M. Upright shrub.
Narrow, shiny dark green leaves, rough above, cottony below.
Dense hemispherical clusters of whitish flowerheads Nov to Feb.
To 60M. Wiry, trailing or climbing over other plants.
Heart shaped thick shiny bright green leaves with wavy edges.
Loose spikes of greenish-yellow or red-tinged flowers Sept to Jan. Small, succulent dark reddish fruit.
To 1.5M. Erect, hairy annual herb on perennial rootstock, aquatic.
Stem-clasping small narrow leaves.
Clusters of 3-5 tubular, purple to magenta flowers with spreading petals forming a crowded spike-like panicleSept to Apr.