We propagate and grow plants that are rare and threatened and so far most are doing well at Westgate Park. As Melbourne grew and parks were planted with lawn and European tree species, inner Melbourne lost its bushland and with it numerous beautiful plants disappeared from inner Melbourne. With growing interest in biodiversity, we hope to generate interest in these plants.See here and here for our pages on threatened species and below are the rare plants we propagate at Bili Nursery. Spring is a good time to be planting so call in to our nursery at 525 Williamstown Road, Port Melbourne and see which rare plant would suit your garden!
Brunonia australis – Protected flora
Correa alba – Protected flora
Grevillea infecunda – Listed as vulnerable
Podolepis jaceoides – becoming rarer in Melbourne
Pultenaea tenuifolia – possibly extinct in Melbourne
Microseris lanceolata or scapigera – once prevalent in Melb, now rarer
Lotus australis var. australis – rare in Melbourne, possibly Vic