0.3mH x 10.3mW. Requires moist, rich soils. Edible roots similar to parsnip. Bright gold flowers, year-round. May enter underground dormancy during hot/dry periods.
H 2-5 X W 1-3m masses of fragrant white flowers. Bird habitat. Adaptable to a variety of soils. Full sun – part shade. Flowers over winter.
Bushy aromatic Shrub 1-3mt X .5x 1mt. Grey-green foliage with small clusters of white flowers between the leaves, tolerates salt and frost. Crushed leaves used by First Nations as insect repellent. Fire retardant.
Large shrub 2-5m H x 2-3m W. Requires well drained soils. Tolerates dryness once established. Great for shady areas. Masses of white flowers, September to December, very hardy. Suitable for large container growing.
Attractive and hardy salt-tolerant perennial herb with masses of light pink flowers for long periods of the year. 50cm X 50cm, full sun to partial shade, suitable for container growing.
Erect shrub to small tree, 1.5-6mt X 1-1.5mt, fast-growing, requires moist soils. Bright green needle-like branchlets with long drooping sprays of yellow pea flowers, full sun to part shade, tolerates salt.
Dense foliage, grey shrub, 0.5-1.5mt H X 1.5-4mt W. Hardy, fast-growing shrub, suitable for container growing, tolerates all well-drained soil types, full sun to light shade, excellent windbreak or informal hedging, fire retardant.
To 15M. Fast-growing upright small tree with rough greyish bark. Perfumed cream ball-shaped flowerheads Dec-Mar. Pods very twisted. Adaptable plant tolerating moist and dry well-drained clay soil.
To 30M. Fast-growing open tree 6-30m. Downy, bluish-green bi-pinnate (twice divided) leaves. Profuse flowering, lemon to bright yellow ball-shaped flowerheads Jul-Oct. Easily grown, prefers deep moist soil.
Small spreading to semi-prostrate shrub. Profuse yellow ball-shaped flowerheads Jul-Nov. Requires light, gravelly soils, tolerates dry once established. An excellent garden plant