Bird survey 1 November

Eastern rosella (Pic: Ursula Dutkiewicz)

This survey recorded the first eastern rosella seen in the park 2016. Clamorous reed warblers are back in number, and the high number of white-browed scrub-wrens. The water in both major lakes is at very high levels, with almost all the smaller islands in…

Bird Survey 4 October

Superb fairywren

Just in time for the result of the highly competitive Guardian Australia Bird Of The Year poll, comes our October survey featuring not only the deserved winner, the superb fairywren, but also another top-5 finisher, the Galah. The superb fairywren has become one of…

Bird Survey 6 September

Female golden whistler

Following regular and substantial rain both major lakes are at high levels not seen for some time. This means several species of water birds have dispersed to some of the many other wetlands in the region.  Many passerine species are flourishing and breeding, and…

Dec bird survey

The large Freshwater and Saltwater lakes have risen lately, which suits diving feeders, such as Hardheads, Australasian Grebes and Hoary-headed Grebes – suggesting aquatic invertebrates and other small prey are plentiful in the former. With several eucalypts flowering lightly, numerous nectar feeders are present, especially Rainbow Lorikeets,…