3 June bird survey

Water levels have been slightly raised by recent showers. Whilst the weather for the survey was unprepossessing, the largest group of observers for a long while enjoyed itself greatly. The highlights were sighting three raptor species, a Pacific Gull, a spectacular flight of 50…

May 6 bird survey

The park has had relatively little rain, so water levels are dropping. Nevertheless, this was another interesting survey with over 50 species and small passerines were well represented. Moreover, the survey team two Eastern Spinebills, spotted but could not identify a female robin, and…

April 8 bird survey

For the several observers, this was a memorable survey. Particularly interesting were the swarms of Grey Fantails, with one Rufous Fantail tagging along in the undergrowth; the larger than usual number of Red Wattlebirds; the single female Flame Robin; and a Golden Whistler, not…

March 4 bird survey

Broadly speaking, surprisingly sparse results for seemingly reasonable morning weather. There were low numbers of Welcome Swallows and Silver Gulls, but on the other hand satisfying observations of a group of six Brown Thornbills, a similar-sized mob of Red-browed Finches, plus a young Collared…

February 5 bird survey

Despite the poor weather conditions, the species tally is high. The female Musk Duck may be the same bird that took residence for some months in 2023, and sightings of a Bronzewing Pigeon and an Australian Spotted Crake are of great interest. Of the…

January 15 bird survey

With such a prolonged series of heavy downpours over the last several weeks, the water bodies in the park are all very full. Indeed, as waterbirds in south-east Australia have a wide variety of current habitat choices, our numbers are fairly low. It was…

December 4 bird survey

Continuing rains keep the park’s main water bodies nearly full. The sighting of one Baillons Crake along the shoreline of the main island in the freshwater lake has been especially gratifying. These small attractive birds can be elusive and cryptic. Similarly solitary was the…

November 4 bird survey

Apologies for the late delivery of this report, which, thanks especially to the remarkable efforts of Ursula Dutkiewicz, clearly indicates the continuing range of interesting and sometimes unexpected birds visiting Westgate Park. Water levels remain high, attracting more Grey Teal than usual. Stilts have…

October 2 bird survey

Despite the park still looking in very good condition, the weather on the day was not so favourable for birds as reflected by the results. On the other hand, a combination of observations over the last month on eBird and those by our photographer…

September 4 bird survey

Water levels have risen, with the overall species number obviously high from the survey today and the efforts of several other observers reporting on eBird over the last month. We are monitoring Noisy Miner numbers within the park. Numbers are low on today’s count,…