Just in time for the result of the highly competitive Guardian Australia Bird Of The Year poll, comes our October survey featuring not only the deserved winner, the superb fairywren, but also another top-5 finisher, the Galah. The superb fairywren has become o...
Category: General
Bird Survey 6 September
Following regular and substantial rain both major lakes are at high levels not seen for some time. This means several species of water birds have dispersed to some of the many other wetlands in the region. Many passerine species are flourishing and breeding,...
Bird Survey 2 Aug
The park has had good rain, and water levels have risen in the lakes and wetlands. The day of the survey was windy, which partly explains the modest tally of 40 species. Moreover raptors are rare these days, and water levels generally too high for the lar...
Bird survey July
The park looks good, thanks to a reasonably wet June. Waters level are high in the two main lakes and the dam, but all other freshwater bodies are dry including the wetlands near the FoWP Compound. Volunteers are back at work, with their recent plantings...
Bird Survey 31 May/1 Jun
48 species were observed including and a pair of Dusky Woodswallows seen flying overhead – the first record of this species in the Park. Recorders noted that as areas of vegetation mature and become more established, new bird species are appearing, some ...
Bird survey April
Water levels have dropped over the last month. Nevertheless, none of the larger waders were present. However, encountering both an Eastern Yellow Robin and an Eastern Spinebill was notable, and at least eight Black-fronted Dotterels were sighted around Saltwat...
Bird Survey 1 Mar
A dry February has seen the lake levels drop somewhat, and the southern chain of ponds has no water to speak of. The good news is that Westgate Biodiversity – Bili Nursery teams have been weeding extensively throughout the park, which accordingly looks terri...
Bird survey Nov
Attached is the survey report, this time nicely illustrated with images taken by and kindly made available by Janine Duffy, while she was bird watching in the park. The total number of species was 39, or 57 if all the species recorded on eBird are ...
Bird survey 6 July
Thanks to continuing rains, water levels and quality in the fresh water lake are very high with consequent reduced numbers of several species of water birds. The salt lake level now reads .83 m – up .03m from last survey. Vegetation throughout the park conti...
August bird survey
Over 40 mm of rain in July turned the park around; vegetation recovered rapidly, although many dead trees and shrubs remain from the preceding dry months. Resident species such as Superb Fairy-wrens and White-plumed Honeyeaters are present in high numbers, alo...