Recent rains have freshened the park, which looks excellent. On the day of the survey, volunteers were weeding, collecting litter and maintaining tracks. The female Rose Robin has been present for a week or more. It was also interesting to see two Rufous Fanta...
Category: General
Jan 12 bird survey
A memorable survey. Common Sandpipers had long been expected, but this seems to be the first time the species has been recorded, in this case near the tug pier on the lower Yarra River. (There is a dead seal nearby on the riverbank.) The female Musk Duck is al...
Dec 5 Bird survey
The survey was carried out on a bleak day and yielded a lower result than usual. However, it was very pleasing to see how much insect life there is, especially, currently, various dragonfly species. Water levels are higher than for over a decade, eliminating h...
Nov 7 Bird survey
Both major lakes are very full – more than for at least a decade. Accordingly, wetland species numbers are down, mostly because of the current&...
Oct 3 Bird survey
Glorious weather, but no unexpected or unusual sightings. Water levels are very high and vegetation in excellent condition. Two species of honeyeaters; White-plumed Honeyeaters and Little Wattlebirds are more abundant than usual. Insect populations are conside...
Sept 5 Bird survey
The Park is very green and plants are thriving. Water levels are high, and volunteers including corporate staff, are doing great work extending understorey vegetation. Common Froglets abound in some water bodies, and as usual, the Brushtail Possum near the bar...
August 8 Bird survey
The park is in excellent condition, volunteers are busy, and visitors frequent. Most water bodies are almost full and hosting common froglets. Our prominent resident possum is still with us, half in and half out of its jagged hollow. Especially pleasing sighti...
July 4 Bird survey
In all, 44 bird species were recorded, including opportunistic sightings. Some highlights were the two Australian Pied Oystercatchers on the edge of the River by Peter Parrington (pictured), the Common Bronzewing pigeon, the Brown Thornbill and a Spiny-cheeked...
May 2 Bird survey
There were two notable sightings in the park over the past month as well as many familiar species. Habitat on land and water in the park is in good condition. The various species of mistletoe that have been introduced over the last two years appear to be...
4 April Bird survey
Highlights of the April survey were the high number of Grey Fantails – possibly four separate groups. And a sighting of an early visitor in the shape of a female Flame Robin, along the Yarra in the planted shoreline belts. This area is frequently used by fis...