Water levels have risen, with the overall species number obviously high from the survey today and the efforts of several other observers reporting on eBird over the last month. We are monitoring Noisy Miner numbers within the park. Numbers are low on today’s count,…
This survey yielded a higher numerical tally than usual. The several highlights were the return of Black-winged Stilts; a hunting Black-Shouldered Kite watching from one of bridge light standards that killed and devoured a mouse as we watched; two groups of Red-Browed Finches; two…
The count is low because the day was unpromising, and the top guns in terms of bird identification were unavailable. Moreover, water levels are very high. Accordingly, the range of waterbirds is low. Surprisingly no teal or Black Swans were seen today. What is…
Although conditions were unexceptional, and a few common species were not observed, the surveyors had a wonderful day. The appearance in the park over the last month of Red-Browed Finches (often in the company of Goldfinches) was greatly appreciated by all, and is hopefully…
After a wetter than usual April with a total of over 100 mm rainfall, the water level is high in both large lakes. This has provided particularly favorable conditions for deep water diving feeders in the large freshwater lake. Birds such as Australasian and…
Recent rains have freshened the park, which looks excellent. On the day of the survey, volunteers were weeding, collecting litter and maintaining tracks. The female Rose Robin has been present for a week or more. It was also interesting to see two Rufous Fantails…
A memorable survey. Common Sandpipers had long been expected, but this seems to be the first time the species has been recorded, in this case near the tug pier on the lower Yarra River. (There is a dead seal nearby on the riverbank.) The…
The survey was carried out on a bleak day and yielded a lower result than usual. However, it was very pleasing to see how much insect life there is, especially, currently, various dragonfly species. Water levels are higher than for over a decade, eliminating…
Both major lakes are very full – more than for at least a decade. Accordingly, wetland species numbers are down, mostly because of the current depth of these water bodies and many other newly formed areas of water offering good feeding opportunities outside the park. On the other hand, although the survey results were modest, several interesting species have been observed this month, notably the Brown Quail, Olive-backed Oriole, Fan-tailed Cuckoo, and Sacred Kingfisher. The survey team would like to pay tribute to the late Daniel Gilmore, a professional zoologist who visited the park often and was generous with his advice and encouragement. He leaves many friends behind. Photos Ursula Dutkiewicz
Glorious weather, but no unexpected or unusual sightings. Water levels are very high and vegetation in excellent condition. Two species of honeyeaters; White-plumed Honeyeaters and Little Wattlebirds are more abundant than usual. Insect populations are considerable, especially around the water bodies.