Southern Wetlands latest pics

We started work here in the eastern section in late 2015 with removal of dense woody weeds and excavation of what was a rubbish-filled drain to form a series of connected wetlands. The cartons are largely off now, December rain filled the ponds and…

New branding

Our staff and regular volunteers are now decked out in the Westgate Biodiversity: Bili Nursery & Landcare shirts, hats and fleece jackets and new signs are up – all using our beautiful new logo.    

Jan 2019 bird survey

photos by Euan Moore a Bird Survey 7 Jan 2019 Water levels in both lakes are high, and water quality in the freshwater lakes and southern wetlands appears very good. Water quality in the saltwater lake is average, with an algal bloom on one…

Propagation masterclasses

Our Manager, David Sparks, is presenting two masterclasses at Westgate Park in plant propagation from seed and with cuttings for Sustainable Gardening Australia. For more details and to book see here for seed to plant propagation and here for cuttings.

Oct 2018 bird survey

Forty-seven species on 1 October was a pleasing result. Despite a very dry September, water levels of both large lakes and smaller salt water lakes remain very high, while other freshwater wetlands including the dam are low or completely dried out. The usual wetland…

Pollinators workshop 21 Oct

Interested in being a citizen scientist? Come along to our pollinators workshop and learn to identify insect pollinators then put your knowledge into action at our spring ‘pollinator observatories’ at Westgate Park. This is the sixth in this series of these events that are…

Sept 2018 bird survey

The first Black-winged Stilts have appeared after their winter absence on the edge of the drainage basin above the south-east corner of the Saltwater Lake. Lots of male superb Fairy-wrens are now in their breeding plumage. By Andrew McCutcheon & Rob Youl, 3 Sept 2018 Weather: mostly…

Threatened species day 7/9

We propagate and grow plants that are rare and threatened and so far most are doing well at Westgate Park. As Melbourne grew and parks were planted with lawn and European tree species, inner Melbourne lost its bushland and with it numerous beautiful plants…

Planning News runs Park story

The history and future of Westgate Park was featured in the August edition of the Planning Institute of Australia, Vic Division, newsletter. As usual, this was a joint effort so thanks to Lecki and Janet for input. Lyn

Luis Mata on pollinators, ABC RN

Hear Luis talking about pollinator insects in the City of Melbourne, the pollinator observatories at Westgate Park, the import role insects play in supporting healthy parklands and why understorey plants are necessary to foster this. ABC Radio National Blueprint for Living, Saturday 18 August…