60CM to 1M high. Upright tufting perennial rush. Grey-green foliage with yellow tassel flowerheads Spring and Summer. Prefers marshlands and waterways and dry creek beds.
To 7M. Erect, bushy shrub to small tree, bark papery, suckering to form a dense copse. Short, narrow dark green leaves scattered or in whorls of 3. Masses of small cream brushes. Nectar source for butterflies and other insects.
To 3CM. Low suckering perennial herb in rosettes forming a carpet. Glossy bright green leaves, paler below with toothed or wavy edges. Solitary white or mauve flowers, yellow in centre.
To 30CM. Aquatic or semi-aquatic fern with floating fronds. Silky, grey-green wedge-shaped “4 leaf clover” fronds, held above or on the water. No flowers. Single or clustered woody bean shaped sporocarps, generally appearing as water recedes after flooding
To 2M. Erect sub-shrub with downy to densely velvety star-shaped hairs. Long-stalked flat dark green 5-9-lobed leaves. Clusters of large, attractive, prominently veined pink, white or lilac flowers with lemon centres.
To 1.5M. Leafy, erect, unbranched perennial herb. Pairs of stiff, aromatic sharply toothed lanceolate leaves on stems which are quadrangular in cross section. Dense clusters of tiny 4-lobed white flowers in leaf axils. Flowers Dec-Apr.
To 5CM. Suckering, spreading perennial herb. Soft, narrow-toothed leaves. Terminal sprays of soft, pale blue fan-shaped flowers Nov-Apr.
Ro 2.5M. Compact or wiry shrub. Dull green pointed leaves. White or pale pink 5-petalled flowers. Nectar source for butterflies and other insects.
To 4M. Small narrow grey-green leaves. Young growth is silver and hairy on both sides. Masses of white 5-petalled flowers. Nectar source for butterflies and other insects. Flowers Aug-Sept.