Vote for our nest box project

Photograph: Andrew McCutcheon

Exciting news!!!

Our nest box project proposal, Hollows for Habitat at Westgate Park, has made it to the public voting stage of the Parks Victoria Volunteering Innovation Fund!

If funded, our project will see volunteers building, installing and monitoring up to 50 newly designed nest boxes at the park, targeting boobook and powerful owls, two species of microbats, kingfishers and spotted pardalotes.

We will partner with Bayside Intrepid Landcare, Port Phillip Men’s Shed and Gio Fitzpatrick to bring this idea to life, but we need your vote to make it all happen!

To participate, follow the easy steps below:

Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Read about the projects that consider new ways of volunteering in and for the environment.
Step 3: Vote for your 3 favourite projects including our project, Hollows for Habitat!
Step 4: Get behind our project – share this page and encourage Victorian friends and family to vote. 

Voting should take 5 minutes. Many thanks and stay safe over this lockdown!