Bird Survey 6 September

Bird Survey 6 September

Following regular and substantial rain both major lakes are at high levels not seen for some time. This means several species of water birds have dispersed to some of the many other wetlands in the region.  Many passerine species are flourishing and breeding,...

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Endangered Tussock Skink

Endangered Tussock Skink

This week, for Threatened Species Day, we are celebrating the discovery in our 2nd heath of the beautiful Southern Grass Tussock Skink, Pseudemoia pagenstecheri, which is listed as Endangered under the Victorian Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act, near threatened ...

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Peas, fabulous peas

Peas, fabulous peas

August and September are the best times to see peas in the Park. Dillwynia, Aotus, Eutaxia, Davesia and Bossiaea species put on a dazzling show of yellow and red pea flowers. You will find them in our heathy areas of the Park. These medium to small shrubs are ...

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Melbourne Pollinator Corridor

Melbourne Pollinator Corridor

Westgate Park is set to play a key part in an ambitious new project to boost indigenous insect life and pollination. Emma Cutting is a self-described “amateur plantswoman” who has recently launched an exciting community-led initiative to establish ...

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Port of Melbourne on board

Port of Melbourne on board

Bili Nursery recently grew and supplied 8000 plants for the Port of Melbourne to fill in gaps in the Todd Rd linear landscape. Port of Melbourne has now planted, mulched and weeded, and the landscape is looking much better for the tlc. Here’s their tweet...

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1000 new plants at Lagoon Reserve

1000 new plants at Lagoon Reserve

Huge thanks to the Citywide organisation for helping rescue an indigenous-plant project in Port Melbourne’s Lagoon Reserve. Plans for an annual day of community planting had been cancelled for a second time this year due to Covid restrictions, when Cityw...

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Bird Survey 2 Aug

Bird Survey 2 Aug

The park has had good rain, and water levels have risen in the lakes and wetlands. The day of the survey was windy, which partly explains the modest tally of 40 species. Moreover raptors are rare these days, and water levels generally too high for the lar...

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Vote for our nest box project

Vote for our nest box project

Exciting news!!! Our nest box project proposal, Hollows for Habitat at Westgate Park, has made it to the public voting stage of the Parks Victoria Volunteering Innovation Fund! If funded, our project will see volunteers building, installing and monitoring u...

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Bird survey July

Bird survey July

The park looks good, thanks to a reasonably wet June. Waters level are high in the two main lakes and the dam, but all other freshwater bodies are dry including the wetlands near the FoWP Compound.  Volunteers are back at work, with their recent plantings...

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Fungi foray – Sunday 27 June 2 pm Westgate Park

Fungi foray – Sunday 27 June 2 pm Westgate Park

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