We’ve been having some notable successes at the Bili Nursery over recent months. Here’s a tray of river red gum seedlings (eucalyptus camaldulensis) prior to pricking out. Have a guess how many potentially towering trees there are in this tray. I seriously underestimated the…
Bili Nursery will be closed on Saturday – 15, 22 and 29 January- opening again Saturday 5 February. If you need plants, the nursery is still open Monday to Friday. See you there!
Bili Nursery Open over Christmas, other than public holidays: 9 am to 4 pm Monday to Friday. 525 Williamstown Road, Port Melbourne Bili Landcare Resumes Monday and Wednesday working days at Westgate Park after 10 January 2022 Call 0492 972 652 for information on…
The tree that just keeps giving Black she-oak (allocasuarina littoralis) is available at the Bili Nursery in mantelpiece- or shelf-friendly sizes, perfect for a splash of seasonal greenery and decoration. And once the celebrations are over, plant a sapling to mature into a very…
Weeds are now a major problem at Westgate Park and the focus of our volunteer efforts there. However, we have discovered that many of our indigenous species are holding their own against the invasion. Dense shrubs like Pomaderris paniculosa – Coast Pomaderris and Dodonaea…
We’re back from 9 am Friday 20th October, and we’re having a bit of a sale to welcome customers to our outdoor home in Williamstown Road. Now that COVID restrictions have been eased, Westgate Biodiversity’s Bili Nursery will once again be able to sell…
This week, for Threatened Species Day, we are celebrating the discovery in our 2nd heath of the beautiful Southern Grass Tussock Skink, Pseudemoia pagenstecheri, which is listed as Endangered under the Victorian Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act, near threatened in SA and Endangered in Tas….
August and September are the best times to see peas in the Park. Dillwynia, Aotus, Eutaxia, Davesia and Bossiaea species put on a dazzling show of yellow and red pea flowers. You will find them in our heathy areas of the Park. These medium…
Westgate Park is set to play a key part in an ambitious new project to boost indigenous insect life and pollination. Emma Cutting is a self-described “amateur plantswoman” who has recently launched an exciting community-led initiative to establish the Melbourne Pollinator Corridor. The idea…
Bili Nursery recently grew and supplied 8000 plants for the Port of Melbourne to fill in gaps in the Todd Rd linear landscape. Port of Melbourne has now planted, mulched and weeded, and the landscape is looking much better for the tlc. Here’s their…