There were two notable sightings in the park over the past month as well as many familiar species. Habitat on land and water in the park is in good condition. The various species of mistletoe that have been introduced over the last two years…
Highlights of the April survey were the high number of Grey Fantails – possibly four separate groups. And a sighting of an early visitor in the shape of a female Flame Robin, along the Yarra in the planted shoreline belts. This area is frequently…
After two difficult, COVID-affected years, Westgate Biodiversity and Bili Nursery Landcare is set to relaunch its volunteer program. Starting soon in the nursery, potential volunteers who have previously expressed an interest will be contacted with the aim of ramping up activities through April. WBBNL’s…
Forty-six bird species were sighted along the Westgate Park survey route on a humid but clear March day. When added to opportunistic sightings between surveys, a total of 64 species were sighted in February and early March. On the day itself, lake levels were…
Lake levels are still very high, and the park is a pleasure to explore. Interesting species this month were an Australian Darter, a Brown Quail and a Budgerigar, the first for the park and apparently a wild bird rather than an aviary escapee, which…
Westgate Park is home to the only area of saltmarsh to be found between the Yarra and the Mornington Peninsula. And native samphire (Sarcocornia quinqueflora), a succulent and edible plant, is a vital part of the saltmarsh environment. But there is a big problem…
Hot, blustery, and humid weather suppressed a great deal of bird activity, but with good habitat conditions the superb fairy-wrens continue to breed. Overall, however the park looks good with larger trees well recovered from the near-drought conditions that prevailed early in 2021. Weeds…
This survey recorded the first eastern rosella seen in the park 2016. Clamorous reed warblers are back in number, and the high number of white-browed scrub-wrens. The water in both major lakes is at very high levels, with almost all the smaller islands in…
We’re back from 9 am Friday 20th October, and we’re having a bit of a sale to welcome customers to our outdoor home in Williamstown Road. Now that COVID restrictions have been eased, Westgate Biodiversity’s Bili Nursery will once again be able to sell…
Just in time for the result of the highly competitive Guardian Australia Bird Of The Year poll, comes our October survey featuring not only the deserved winner, the superb fairywren, but also another top-5 finisher, the Galah. The superb fairywren has become one of…